Can you complete/compete at the 140.6 distance w/ only 10 hrs of training per week?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Options A, B, and C

Day 47 - July 10, 2009 - Week 6
In training and racing it is so important to have more then one 'plan' established. This morning reminded me of this. Per the posting on July 8 I eluded to how important it is to listen to what the body is telling you.

Today the game plan was to hit the treadmill for 10 miles and to follow a similar protocol as seen on June 4. The difference between that day and this one was a more thorough warm up on the Tacx; 200 to 400 watt progression w/ a 20 watt increase every 2 min. All things were in place; the heater at eye level, dehumidifier running, and fan on the floor.

The motivation and desire was there, but the legs were not. So, I quickly shifted to plan B, which was to abort from the protocol noted above. For the next 3 miles I held 8 MPH at 1.5% and assessed things along the way.

I quickly realized that this would not be a good day and begin considering option C. Run tomorrow at mid-day when Luke is sleeping and post Anne's EPIC training day; 3-4 hrs on the CT (Interactive Real Course Video) w/ a 1 hour run post.

My point is simple friends. I am a firm believer in listening to the body and maintaining a fine balance between stress and recovery. Per my background and experience in the sport I saw the need to shift gears and be content w/ option C.

Last point regarding this post. Bringing it closer to home I have options set for IML:
Option A - swim 1:00, bike 5:00-5:10, run 3:20-3:25
Option B - swim 1:05, bike 5:20, run 3:30
Option C - gut it out and be grateful for being ABLE to do this thing when others simply can't!

The reality of IM racing is that you would be a fool to go into it thinking that it will be a day of 'smooth sailing'. In the course of 140+ miles there are too many 'ups and downs' for one to count. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have a day where everything clicks, but they are rare at this distance. By going into 'battle' w/ this kind of mindset you will find you are mentally prepared for most anything that will come your way; the good AND bad.

I encourage you all, regardless of the race distance to have an A, B, and C plan thought out well before 'toeing the line'.

Train smart...Coach L

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