Can you complete/compete at the 140.6 distance w/ only 10 hrs of training per week?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

THE Planner

This is the time of year where most of us tri folk are registering and getting all jazzed for the 2010 season. In my last post I mentioned 'my' plans, but neglected to mention a few essential points.

(1) I have been hesitant to make much of it, but it is clearly a relevant matter. For some reason the medial aspect of my L knee is simply not cooperating. Training has been mediocore at best for the last 3 or so months despite my efforts to correct this matter. I will be taking the next logical step, which is an MRI. I want to make sure all the details are out there so the journey through 2010 can be truly documented.

(2) Dovetailing off that last point I want to make sure I can give God the credit for His mercy and faithfullness. I trust fully in His will and plan for me. In fact, amongst the 'gray' and the unknown of where this knee thing is going I find great peace about the season. I can plan all I want for this season, but I know He will direct my every step. This gives me great peace, confidence, and ultimately joy.

So, there you have it. My hope is that I can eliminate this knee problem w/ His assistance and have the kind of year I hope for. Ultimately, I desire to glorify Christ in 2010 and not myself.

Scripture that gives me strength and is relevant:

Luke 6:48 (New Living Translation)

48 It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built.

In this very small setback/roadblock I will continue to trust and 'build' my foundation on Him. In both the good and the bad I know all things come to me to shape and refine me. To prune from me what is not of Him.

I look forward to seeing how He will work in and through me in this season.

Praising God along the way!

Coach L

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