Can you complete/compete at the 140.6 distance w/ only 10 hrs of training per week?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Coach L is back in it...

Elated to report that the body is coming along. This morning made that pretty clear to me.

It is an awesome thing when you are forced to rebuild. I think I am nearing 85% at this point.

As some of you may know I have created a YouTube channel that is open to the public. Below is a link to the first Bike Intensive (BI1). I absolutely love this kind of training. Its uncomfortable, it forces you to dig deep, and your body gets much stronger per this stimulus.

Please check it out and the other 20 other clips up currently:

For those who are feeling up to a little challenge please accept this invitation:

Bike Intensive #1

5 min at Functional Threshold Power (CP20 average x .95 = 302 FTP)
Plyo Scissor Jump 30 sec - 3rd set hit 50 reps
Romanian One Legged Lunge 30 sec per leg - 20 L / 22 R reps
Step Ups 1 min (20 inch plyo box) L/R for 1 min - 22 reps
Lateral Slides 1 min - 44 reps
Static Push Up w/ Knee to Elbow 1 min - 42 reps
Deep Squat touching 12 inch plyo box w/ 20 lbs - 34 reps
Plyo Box Jump (24 inch plyo box) 1 min - 17 reps

For those who dig CrossFit I see this as one of those outstanding 'tests' to see where you measure up. I can't wait to retest on this again in 4 to 6 weeks and see where the numbers will go. The hard thing will be to do only 5 min on the bike...the desire will be to open this to 15 to 20 min at FTP. Doing this 5 times through would rock, however at the 5 min work interval.

So, if you have all the equipment available to you please throw this workout down and let me know your numbers. I take that back...if you are one of my athletes please make sure you let me know of your intentions before nailing this. No need for a setback that was brought on by partaking in this one...

Hope you are all well and enjoying the early stages of 2010.

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