Today included one of the first key workouts for IML 2011 and my pursuit for Kona in less then 10 hours of training per week.
For the next 12+ weeks I will be sharing some of the key workouts that I will be using to sharpen the mind and body for August.
This morning things started at 4 AM with 10 min of foam rolling of the lower extremity and a 5 min dynamic warm up. Each workout starts in this manner without fail to ensure the body is primed and ready for the work that will ensue.
The nuts and bolts. I am a firm believer in targeting the 'sweet spot' when working the bike on my CompuTrainer (CT) in the garage/pain cave. Currently my 'sweet spot' is 246 to 295 watts (75 to 90% of my Functional Threshold Power).
2 hrs were spent on the CT this morning where the focus was to use both a ladder and pyramid methodology. Screen shoot below for those who like visuals.
The ladders and pyramid consisted of the following loads: 250, 275, and 300 watts.
Okay, shifting to the run. My goal is to load the legs in such a way that when I come off the bike I am close to '112 mile legs'. In other words, when I come of the battle wagon (bike) the legs should be somewhat fatgiued, but not blown. Having tasted the IM distance numerous times I know how the legs feel. I will bring the legs to that place in 2 to 4 hr CT rides.
The goal/plan for IML is to maintain pace vs. fall prey to the typical slow down/death march that is often seen at the IM distance.
I was pleasently surprised to feel legs that were pretty close to '112 mile legs'. For this run through the Highland Creek Parkway the goal was to run 1+ min faster per mile then goal pace for IML. Ended up being 6:50 per mile average for 8.5 miles.
There is something very freeing about having your IM training done before 8 AM on a Saturday.
For those wondering what the weekly breakdown is how it played out:
Train smart, think big, and enjoy the journey,
Coach L
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