Can you complete/compete at the 140.6 distance w/ only 10 hrs of training per week?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A day for celebration!

Today was a great day for two reasons.

First, Anne and I celebrated eight years of marriage! I couldn't have prayed or wished for a better wife. She continues to amaze me in so many ways. Her ongoing willingness to be patient with an imperfect man is what throttles me. She reflects many qualities of Christ to me daily. I love you Annie and look forward to sharing many more years together.

Second, my good friend Rob Dietz (pictured below) at TrySports overwhelmed me with a bike sponsorship/partnership. I am still somewhat in a state of awe to know that I will be riding a Felt B10 with Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 (super sharp technology that promotes precision shifting) on board. This partnership could not have come at a better time as I set my sights on Ironman Louisville with intentions of earning a slot to Kona.

In addition, Rob Morgan (TrySports 'wrench' / bike guru) spent some quality time with me to ensure that the 'rocket would fit the astronaut' as well. Thanks RM!

I'd also like to thank Jeremy, Justin, and Andreas for the genuine interest and strong presence at the store!

In the weeks and months ahead I look forward to sharing my quest for Kona.

Stay tuned friends,
Coach L

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ironman Lousville in May

Today included one of the first key workouts for IML 2011 and my pursuit for Kona in less then 10 hours of training per week.

For the next 12+ weeks I will be sharing some of the key workouts that I will be using to sharpen the mind and body for August.

This morning things started at 4 AM with 10 min of foam rolling of the lower extremity and a 5 min dynamic warm up. Each workout starts in this manner without fail to ensure the body is primed and ready for the work that will ensue.

The nuts and bolts. I am a firm believer in targeting the 'sweet spot' when working the bike on my CompuTrainer (CT) in the garage/pain cave. Currently my 'sweet spot' is 246 to 295 watts (75 to 90% of my Functional Threshold Power).

2 hrs were spent on the CT this morning where the focus was to use both a ladder and pyramid methodology. Screen shoot below for those who like visuals.

The ladders and pyramid consisted of the following loads: 250, 275, and 300 watts.

Okay, shifting to the run. My goal is to load the legs in such a way that when I come off the bike I am close to '112 mile legs'. In other words, when I come of the battle wagon (bike) the legs should be somewhat fatgiued, but not blown. Having tasted the IM distance numerous times I know how the legs feel. I will bring the legs to that place in 2 to 4 hr CT rides.

The goal/plan for IML is to maintain pace vs. fall prey to the typical slow down/death march that is often seen at the IM distance.

I was pleasently surprised to feel legs that were pretty close to '112 mile legs'. For this run through the Highland Creek Parkway the goal was to run 1+ min faster per mile then goal pace for IML. Ended up being 6:50 per mile average for 8.5 miles.

There is something very freeing about having your IM training done before 8 AM on a Saturday.

For those wondering what the weekly breakdown is how it played out:

Train smart, think big, and enjoy the journey,
Coach L

Friday, May 27, 2011

I run...

...because I can.

Not the most profound of statements, but its true.

The other day a young lady watched me run at 10K pace from my car to my office door. She said, "...are you a marathon person?...". She would go onto say that she saw me running about an hour ago near Wal-Mart.

Not sure exactly why my default is to run. Recently I had a jam session with one my atheltes and she mentioned she has the same default.

As I ponder the 'why' maybe its because I know that many can't run. Maybe its because I love to feel the power that comes from each toe off. Maybe its becuase I once could not run and can still remember how painful that first step was. Maybe its because I like the rush of air that meets my face. Maybe, just maybe, I feel like a kid again when running was all you did.

So, if you ever see me walking its probably because I am opting to let the legs rest a little.

I hope you have enjoyed the joy of moving today.

Go ahead, run out to the mailbox and see if you got anything, I dare ya. Run from your car into the grocery store, I dare ya.

I am looking forward to the day when a security guard attmempts to run me down thinking I have stolen a Powerbar or something.

Think big, train smart, and remeber why you CAN move,
Coach L

Monday, May 23, 2011

Props to my Athletes

One thing that I love about my job is when I receive race results from my athletes that produce instantenous goose bumps that run from head to toe. When your lungs almost lose their contents that is an added bonus as well.

This weekend I received a call from Meredith Dolhare from Ironman Texas with news that produced the responses noted above. On an incredibly hot and humid day she battled and overcame many obstacles. Three obstacles worthy of mentioning:

(1) Older motorist hits Mer the day before, which produced some unwelcomed swelling in the ankle.

(2) Broken frame, which kept her from using the small front ring all day (props to Justin Andrews for working his magic to save the day and to make her rocket functional).

(3) Puke fest on the run, which forced some undesirable breaks from moving forward.

Given all these non-optimal variables I was amazed to hear Mer announce her claiming a 4th AG finish (35-39), which earned her spot to the Big Island!

I could not be prouder of her working through the 'yuck' and earning a spot to Kona for 2011! Congrats are in order.

I'd also like to give props to my people who have taken on White Lake this month and other events.

Other notables are:

Joe Nicolini - 1st place AG finish at Memphis in May
Anne Leo - 2nd place AG finish at White Lake #1
Mark Olson - 4th place AG finish at White Lake #1

It is also important to note that many of my peeps toed the line at White Lake and took much from the day; getting to the finish line despite delayed races, frantic starts and the good old White Lake heat and humidity. Way to battle it out everyone! It is a privilege to cheer you on!

Think big, train smart,
Coach Lance

Friday, May 20, 2011

Control what you CAN control

There are many things in life that you simply can't 'control'. As hard as we may try we simply can't stop them from happening.

Case in point, we can't stop the aging process from happening. I will be older tomorrow despite my efforts. We try to control this natural progression by injecting Botox into our front lip (and who knows where else), having more "plastic" then flesh on our body, spending millions on vitamins, exercising each day, and eating good food. You get my point.

As triathletes we will spend 5+ Gs for an uber fast bike to cut 10 to 15 min off our Iron bike split, 2+ Gs for sick race wheels, and the laundry list goes on and on. Why? Because you and I want to control those variables we CAN control. Can't blaim you one bit for this kind of logical thinking!

One thing, I think many can do a better job at controlling is WHEN YOU GO TO SLEEP AT NIGHT!

I could count on two hands (maybe) where I have gotten a full nights sleep over the past 12+ months. Yep, two hands. Sleep, sound sleep, is like injecting EPO right into the old cephalic vein (best vein available for IV).

The birth of Grace and the unpredictable nature of Luke has promoted this inconsistency. As hard as we try, these little gems will behave as an infant and young child will behave.

So, I urge you to control those variables that you CAN control.

Recently, LAVA magazine (August 2010 - "Serious Recovery: Why Triathletes Need More Sleep") wrote a great article on this exact point. Here are some sound excerpts:

But here’s something you can do today—or tonight at least: sleep more. Even the best-designed, most brilliantly periodized training plan will not work properly if you aren’t getting enough sleep.

Most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep a night. If that sounds like a dream scenario to you, you need to find a way to carve out more time for sleeping.

Read more:
Serious Recovery: Why Triathletes Need More Sleep - LAVA Magazine
Don't have LAVA?
Subscribe today!

So, control what you can control and become a better athlete in the process. Oh, one more final point on sleeping and control. I would HIGHLY recommend the Sleep Number bed by Select Comfort. It is worth every penny and you will never have to buy another bed/mattress for as long as you live. When Anne and I actually get to sleep this thing makes the horizontal position heavenly.

Count some sheep for me tonight,
Coach L

Monday, May 2, 2011

Ironman Louisville Training Commences

Today marked the beginning of IML training.

For the next 17 weeks I will be posting random workouts I have used to best prepare for the IM distance in less then 10 hrs of training per week. Yep, this is the default I use personally for racing the IM distance.

For the number/data oriented folk I will include end of week totals that will include total time spent training and distance covered.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you and showing how one can tackle this distance in much less time IF you...

(1) Stress specific energy systems appropriately
(2) Use strength training consistently
(3) Focus on quality over sheer quantity
(4) Embrace true recovery as a potent stimuli
(5) And study your body along the way

Today I played in the water for 1600 yds:

200 drill choice
4 x 50 w/ :2o seconds recovery
10 x 100 w/ :20 sr
...kick focus w/ Finis snorkel, some fin, and stroke count emphasis...
200 cool down
...25 free / 25 back...

Check back for additional training specifics.

I look forward to sharing the journey with you.

Off to put the diapers in the dryer!
Coach Lance