One thing I have learned in the past ~9 (Grace) to ~48 months (Luke) is sleep is something I miss. I long for those nights when 8 hrs of uninterrupted sleep is the norm.
Anne and I could count the number of days we have had uninterrupted sleep on one set of hands. Yep, that is 10 fingers. I love my kiddos and would do anything for em', but boy is inconsistent sleep tough on ones training 'schedule'.
Speaking of which, just moments ago (6:28 AM) the mini-L just came out of bed to announce he needed my assistance with going to the bathroom. Kids are unpredictable. Five minutes later he jumps on my lap and clearly has no interest in sleep. So, Coach L does this post with the Lukinator watching my every move.

All of us must work around the many variables that life throws at us. Some work 7 AM to 7 PM shifts. Some have to work through the challenges of a life threatening disease. Some must balance raising two kiddos with training for an Ironman.
The list goes on and on.
In my 20 years of racing I have had the opportunity to train all day long to all weekend long. I enjoyed that period of my life. That will come again, but I am not going to wish these precious years away.
Embrace your "X" factor today and optimize/maximize each minute you are given friends!
Train smart and with precision,
Coach L
Upcoming Posts:
"20 Minutes of Pain"...check back Friday, April 8
"PowerTap 2.0 Joule" ...TBD
Great Post!
ReplyDeleteThanks man! Hope your doing exceptionally well Luke!