Can you complete/compete at the 140.6 distance w/ only 10 hrs of training per week?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"2 cm dilated and 50% effaced"

It just would not be right if I did comitt a post to my 'tough as nails' wife! As of Tuesday my dear wife has been training consistently and has not waivered from her comittment to Luke, myself, and staying 'on it' with her training. I can count on one hand the times she has opted for Subway vs. cooking home cooked vegertarian food for Luke and I. She is an exceptional wife and Mama.

I can say she is probably one of the toughest and focused woman I know. Iowa grows em' to be resilient for sure and I am blessed to have her as my wife! Per the title above, she is drawing all the closer to birthing our second child. I am freaking out and she is 'air fisting' all day long with great excitement. When she told me I am "2 cm dilated and 50% effaced" I almost hit the floor and packed my 'hospital bag' all at the same time. Are ya kidding me!?

For the last 8+ months she has been sick as a dog so she is SOOOOO ready for this little one to enter the world. We have no idea of the sex and look forward to the coolest surprise to arrive.

She jokingly says to me, "...Ironman is nothing compared to this nausea!...". I believe it. So, as you can imagine she has her mind set on IML 2011 and I can't wait to see her throw down there.

Please keep in mind, that the primary goal of this blog is to prove that one can train for IM in much less time then what is 'typically advertised'. Moreover, Anne and I want to show that a family can grow strong even when IM training/racing is part of the equation. In other words, Dad/Mom does not need to be on the bike all day on Saturday, etc. With that being said, we both will trust in the Lord in what He has in store and represent accordingly.

I have to share these stellar vids of my beautiful wife rocking it out on the bike and run (I have not vids of her swimming her preferred stroke; fly!):

Anne running on the treadmill. Love it that she checks out her form!

Anne biking on the Tacx...edited out her spiting, her out of the saddle work, and ice cubes falling from her mouth...

Last note: Anne is taking it to the pavement Friday to "induce labor" vs working the treadmill. She is a studette and I am not worthy...

Oh, it is also important to note that her physician has okayed all of this activity. It helps that she has never stopped training since IML 2009 ;)

1 comment:

  1. "show that a family can grow strong even when IM training/racing is part of the equation. "

    Bro, this is what fires me up the most about this blog! Good luck this weekend to all the Leos - you guys will be in our prayers.
