Anne rocked it. Couldn't be more proud of how the day went for her. Strong and steady sums up her day. A 12:08 for her first IM was outstanding. Great work honey. We are so excited to touch base w/ her surgeon who did her knee surgery and inform him of her accomplishment. I think he will poop his pants. Praise God that He is control, He knows our every desire, and that He saw it fit to bring her back to running again! Thank you Jesus!
Felt good for me. Certainly felt the "10 Hr Project" worked well. I will have an exact average weekly training time in the next few days...think it will be about 8 hrs of training per week (minus the 4 week taper). R calf took me out of the mix 3 miles I had to stretch every mile. Was on pace for a 3:15 (felt so good at the 7:15 to 7:30 pace), which would have earned a Kona slot...but God had other plans. If the calf held up I would have likely been close to 9:45 finish time. Lord willing there will be another day where I can do the "10 Hr Project" and bring some hurt at the 140.6 distance.
To the more important details. I was in awe of how God worked through me on Sunday. I prayed while on the bike and prior to that He would work through me on this day. Specifically, that I would glorify Him and serve Him. One of the most enjoyable parts of my day was cheering/encouraging others on the bike leg as I saw their bib numbers (which include their names). I felt the Holy Spirit welling up inside me every time I spook words that lifted the broken hearted.
I also shared with you all that I was really hoping to have a 'crying moment' at IML. Well, get this. Out of no where I rolling through La Grange and my dear Aunt and Uncle are yelling my name. I was not expecting them to be there...and for some reason that 'pushed the buttons' for me. To me that was awesome expression of love. Wammmo....tears started a rolling and I experienced what I was hoping for on race day...tears of joy. Praise God.
I know this sounds cliche, but I seriously felt the power of prayer out there and that means more to me then anything else. Thank you for lifting Anne and I up.
More to come when I get back to NC...
I love you all....God Bless...Coach L
Great Job LL! Many of us were watching the Leo family conquer the course on Sunday, we are all proud of you.