In the closing weeks leading up to IML I will be incorporating some lower RPM work to further strengthen the legs. My tendencies are to hoover around 100 RPM at all stages of a race/event. To promote a better balance I incorporated another Hill Intensive session coupled w/ 400 m efforts at a sub 6 min pace. The AM training on the bike is summarized below:

The reasoning behind the 4 min climbs (for those new to this blog) is per the fact that the longest hill at IML is ~1 mile in length and has taken me about 4 min to ascend. This is the section from 17 to 25 miles on the course. I am a data guy and the table below is the kind of stuff that gets me fired up. Progress is good and I am glad to see the positive trends in this 2 week period:

Post this session it was off to the road w/ the Nike Lunar kicks. Was hoping to hit the brand new track in Highland Creek, but opted for a 400 m 'track' from home. Per the image below you can see that this was not the flattest section of road, but it worked:

400 - 1:27 (5:47 ave pace)
400 - 1:24 (5:35)
400 - 1:24 (5:31)
400 - 1:23 (5:29)
400 - 1:22 (5:31)
400 - 1:22 (5:26)
400 - 1:18 (5:14)
A great morning was had from the 'Performance Center', 'Dungeon', 'Furnace' (aka garage).
My dear wife busted it out as well in the garage for 1 hr on the Tacx w/ 15 min on the PowerCranks this AM. She continues to show great progress. A very solid 17 miler was had by Anne on Tuesday per the 1.35 mile loop approach (rolling loop). You go babe...I am ultra proud of you. Excited to celebrate her birthday this Thursday w/ a 'made to order' Whole Foods cake (vegan dark chocolate cake). This thing weighs about 15 lbs and screams dense/quality. I went to Winston-Salem to pick up this baby and wait w/ great anticipation/expectation to dig into this thing.
Side Note: Sad to report that the CRAFT Kona Kit (worn by Sinballe at Kona) was a complete disappointment to this cat. Per putting it on in front of Anne her chin almost hit the floor. Not much needs to be said here other then the material is white and is compression based. She said, "....and is not even wet...". That being said, its going back to the sender.
Off to plan B I go...
Have an incredible day everyone and embrace the heat...Coach L (where is the heat by the way?)
Your side note on the Kona Kit (particularly Anne's reaction) made me laugh out loud. By the way, with the density of that cake, you could substitute it for weights in your ME workouts, though the weight would decrease with each rep (assuming one bite per rep). Now THAT's the kind of strength training that Renee and I can get into!