(1) This approach to training will require an athlete to have had some training behind them before jumping into this. I predict a first year triathlete with little to no aerobic base will find this approach to IM prep very challenging and potentially harmful. So, please avoid trying this without consulting with an experienced triathlon coach who has 'been in the foxhole' before.
(2) This approach will call on energy systems (high end aerobic threshold/lactate threshold) that most long course athletes do not stimulate/stress as much as I will.
- The emphasis on the bike, for example, will be at approximately 75-80% (range will vary) of my CP (Critical Power) 20 Threshold Test. My primary objective in this IM prep is to work at or just above my LT (Lactate Threshold) and build my ability to assimilate lactate efficiently, but avoid over extending beyond the "point of no return".
- The emphasis on the run will be similar to the bike. I will be utilizing the VDOT pacing approach to dial in on Marathon (M) and Threshold (T) pacing. Track work, long tempo runs, and transition runs off the bike will be the foundation of this leg.
- I come from the mindset that swimming should not take up a major % of your weekly training time for IM (if this is a strength for you). I will spend no more then 45 min in the water...2 times per week. However, when I am in the water I will be dialing on efficiency, Critical Swim Speed (CSS) efforts, Super Speed (SS) efforts, and moderate to long sets composing of 200 to 500s.
- I will also be focusing on a Corrective Exercise (CE) approach to strength training to eliminate the weak links that are present in my kinetic chain; hips, glutes, etc. Plyometric and one legged isolation exercises will be the major emphasis.
(3) Below you will find the 3 week plan that I have created as a framework for accomplishing point number 2 above. Per the objectives of this 2009 season I will have to tweak with this skeleton plan so as to keep things sharp for upcoming NCTS events.
Week 1: Primary objective is to emphasize the bike and complete the 112 mile Louisville (CompuTrainer Interactive Real Course Video) course in 48 hrs. This week will have a heavier emphasis on the bike leg then the run.
Week 2: Primary objective is to shift towards the run by incorporating an Endurance and Tempo Run. For both weeks 1 and 2 the swim will be a compliment to the training and not require much energy or time.
Week 3: Primary objective is to allow some recharge and recovery, but still focus on threshold efforts of shorter duration.
Per FL 70.3 (May 17) I will not commence this training until May 25. This gives me a total of 14 weeks of training. I predict that it will take 1 to 2 weeks before I can complete the high end volumes on the plan seen in this post.
Along the way I will be posting wattage data, run and swim pacing, total time spent training per week, and whatever else is desired by those reading this blog (let me know).
I have calculated the high end volume within weeks 1 and 2 noted above and they meet the criteria of no more then 10 hrs of training.
The scripture that spoke to me today was:
Psalm 37: 23
If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.
I know I will stumble/face adversity through the process, but I trust fully in the Lord who will pick me up along the way. What an amazing truth to hold fast to. I also know that He is in control and I am at complete peace with the outcome of this journey. Praise His name!
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