I am happy to report that 'Team Leo' is poised to take on Ironman Lousiville in 2011! Anne and I plan on approaching IML with the "IM in 10" methods with the intention to race it this time around. As some may recall, IML 2009 was taken on with three meniscal tears (one in my left and two in my right knee). A high school baseball injury and a bone head face plant on my bike promoted these tears. They have since been cleared up.
We are both amped to take on this race again and are already preparing for August 2011. In the next few weeks I will begin to 'journal' the balancing act of training/competing at the IM distance with a 'full house'. Luke will be working toward 5 years and little "Gracie Racie" (Grace Kells Leo) will be a month past a year on game day (IML 2011). Maintaining balance at the home front is one big positive that comes with training less then 10 hrs per week for an IM. The other added bonus to this training method is being able to compete and not just complete. For 2011 I look forward to toeing the line with full intentions to compete and qualify for Kona.
In this upcoming season I will be including more specifics regarding the workouts used from week to week. I also plan on shedding some light on several of my athletes who have chosen to use this method for the 2011 season.
I look forward to sharing my journey!
Coach Lance